Q. I just purchased pink Hyacinth Orientalis bulbs from (Seattle) Costco, and am wondering if they will do well in my Seaside home? I’m headed to Monterey in December.
I’m on a hill about one mile inland. Some Smith & Hawken paperwhites I’ve planted over the years are hanging in there, but the USDA map says I’m zone 10A and the sources I’ve found say hyacinths are best zones 3 – 9, but may need chilling over zone 7.
I want them to be perennials, because I’m not always there in bulb planting season.
Should I plant them (I love the fragrance!!) or take them back as a mis-purchase from a childhood memory?
A. The hyacinths should do fine in Monterey!
Hyacinths are spreading in my garden with no special care. I try to dig them up after the leaves wither and replant the bulbs for better distribution. They should be planted six inches deep, in a bed that receives at least six hours of sun daily.
Some cultivars might need chilling, but most do not. According to White Flower Farm, “most bulbs will root properly if the temperature does not stray too far above or below 40 degrees F during the rooting time.”
Q. Thank you for that information!
Nice to know you are available and so very quickly responsive!